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Spring Cleaning: progress over perfection

I won’t be a Debbie Downer and go into all the details, because this isn’t Misery Poker, but the Bobbin household went through a rough time early this year, and my energy levels just HAVE. NOT. RECOVERED. (Those all-caps feel a bit disingenuous, as they convey a level of energy that I can’t actually muster, but, you know… emphasis.)

And the first thing to fall by the wayside when energy is scarce will always be cleaning.

So it’s no surprise that the sewing studio got even more out of hand than last year. All the systems in the world won’t keep a space tidy if you just don’t have the energy to put stuff away, or your temporary holding places have filled up and you aren’t up to the task of dealing with them.

The befores:

Come right in! This is as far as the door will open because there’s stuff behind it. Just step over all the… everything.
I wish I could say I had messed things up to make a more dramatic “before” but nope. This is real life.
I mean, who WOULDN’T want to spend time in here? Did I mention it’s also the coldest room in the house??

Thankfully, the Spring Clean your Studio blog hop came around again to kick my butt into trying to tidy!

See previous year’s Spring Cleaning posts: 2020, 2021

Knowing that I didn’t have the time or energy to do a massive cleaning like last year’s, I focused on making a few improvements:

  1. Clear the floor, at least in front of the door, so I can actually enter the room
  2. Find a place for all the fabric storage bins, since there’s more of them than will fit on the shelves
  3. Remove boxes of random junk that I’ve been shuffling around for years, since they probably don’t really matter
  4. Put things back where they belong, more or less

Really, number 1 above was the only must-do item, but the recovering perfectionist in me refuses to see that and goes into all-or-nothing mode.

Here are the after pics!

Look! Floor!!!
So much clean floor!! And an almost-usable desk!
Not-quite-sightly-but-more-functional-than-before space under the longarm, and FLOOR!

Gods, that feels so much better!! I might actually go and sew something!

I’m sure if you’re looking for some practical tips, rather than just a dispatch from hot-mess-ville, my fellow blog hoppers will be much more helpful, so be sure to check them out!

4/15/2022 Muppin Inc
4/16/2022 Duck Creek Mountain Quilting
4/17/2022 Quiltblox
4/18/2022 by Hilary Jordan
4/19/2022 Sarah Ruiz Quilts
4/20/2022 Sugar Sand Quilt Co.
4/21/2022 Katie Mae Quilts Http://
4/22/2022 The Geeky Bobbin
4/23/2022 PhoebeMoon Designs
4/24/2022 Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting
4/25/2022 KISSed Quilts
4/26/2022 Tamarinis

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